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Maui Strong

Our hearts are with everyone affected by the recent wildfires and we wanted to share some resources that are available to artists who have been affected.

Available Resources for Maui County Artists:


Second, we’ve spoken to a number of artists in the community on what we can do to help. A main concern seems to be a lack of gallery space in which to showcase and sell art, and the ask has been can Art Maui help with this. We’d love to, but we’ll need your help.


Our goal is to get a temporary gallery space that Maui County artists can use up and running within the next 90 days, to serve as a temporary home to for artists to showcase and sell their work, as well as a venue for art classes, allowing artists to generate income, and where we’d also offer scholarships for free art classes to community members. Our goal will be to offer as much space as is needed, but for that, we’ll need community help.


If you are an artist in need of a space to showcase your work and/or teach classes, please email us at

If you want to support the Maui County artists affected, both directly and indirectly, by the August fires, please consider a donation to help. Donations are 100% tax deductible.


Donate via:

Venmo: @artmaui

PayPal: Donate

Go Fund Me: Donate

By check: Art Maui, PO Box 1054, Pu’unene, HI 96784


We’re also looking for new board members and committee members to help with this, and future Art Maui initiatives and efforts. If you’re interested in joining us, please email us at



Art Maui, Board of Directors

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